Red Sea -Trace Colors A/В/С/D- set 4x100 ml

Red Sea -Trace Colors A/В/С/D- set 4x100 ml

48.00 лв.

Red Sea research has identified 31 minor and trace elements, which in addition to the main, present in the skeleton and tissue of all corals.

Red Sea's coral coloring program - Trace Colors - separates these elements into 4 groups: trace – colors A, AT, C and D, which are related through their biological functions, which perform. They, are also associated with the production of a specific color pigment in the tissue of SPS corals.

Pigmentation can only be achieved, if the specific elements , necessary for the biochemical process, are available in the correct concentration. All 31 the elements are required for all SPS corals, regardless of the actual color, which they show.

Dosed based on calcium, supplements are formulated like this, that the ratio of the elements in each of them is the same as this, which is found in the skeleton and skin of corals.

Red Sea research has established a consistent relationship between each of the elements in Trace Colors supplements and total calcium consumption, which is proportional to coral growth and metabolic activity. This provides an easy and safe method of dosing all supplements based on measured calcium absorption.

Trace Colors AIodine

Йод/Бром и Хлор- Халогенен комплекс,който подпомага розовото оцветяване на коралите.

Халогените действат както като антиоксиданти, така и като окислителни агенти в тъканта на коралите, намалявайки възможността от изсветляване на коралите.

В затворени рифови системи тези елементи се изчерпват бързо поради високите си окислителни способности и реактивност с органични материали.

Йодът и бромът са свързани с розовия хромо- протеин- поцилопорин

Trace Colors ВPotassium +

Complex of potassium and boron, which contributes to the red coloration of corals.

Potassium plays an essential role in the transport of nutrients in coral tissue, including such, provided by the zooxanthellae. It is associated with red chromo-proteins.

Potassium and boron significantly affect the alkalinity of coral tissue and the formation of aragonite in its skeleton.

Trace Colors C- Iron +

Комплекс от желязо и трейс елементи, който подпомага зеленото оцветяване на коралите.

Комплекс от осем „леки“ метала: iron, manganese, кобалт, honey, алуминий, zinc, хром и никел.

Тези микроелементи са от съществено значение за много биохимични метаболитни процеси, включително дишане, производство на енергия, хлорофил и фотосинтетични катализатори.

Свързани са със зелените/жълтите хромо-протеини

Coral colors D– Bioactive elements

Complex,which supports the purple/blue colors of corals.

A combination of 18 essential trace elements, which are actively involved in metabolic processes in the skeleton and tissue of corals.

Съдържа: 4 p 100 Jr

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