Marine aquariums, equipment, Pisces, corals and invertebrates
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More about us
Welcome to our exotic corner!
Hello and welcome to our exotic corner of the ocean!
The idea for this store was born, as a natural extension of the hobby, which we became passionate about 2010 year and our passion for marine aquariums and coral reefs. Then we proved to many people, who tried to discourage us, that living corals can be viewed not only in their natural environment, but also at home, with a lot of reading, accumulating knowledge, experience and most importantly, with a proper start, quality technique and the right additives.
As we walked the difficult path of developing our home marine aquarium, looking for that proper and quality technique, the desired fish and corals and the appropriate supplements and foods for them , most often, through foreign forums, sites or during our travels in Europe, the solution, how to make it all more accessible, easy and above all, we see, on the spot, just appeared.
Shop, in which we decided to collect the exciting world of the deep sea, inaccessible to most of us and the beauty of coral reefs.
Shop, in which we promised each other, not to compromise on quality, at the expense of higher sales and to protect from our mistakes, often costing us a lot of money and losses, the people, who are just starting out in this type of aquaristics.
Shop, in which you will find everything you need, to ensure you have a great looking marine system and healthy inhabitants.
The hobby, on a global scale is constantly developing. We don't stop evolving either, let's read, to seek and learn from the best
If you want, after another working day, to relax among the deep blue of the sea and the gentle splash of the waves , if you are looking for an unusual interior for your office , a shop or restaurant with an exotic touch, this is the place, in which we offer a solution according to your wishes and possibilities.
Welcome! We wish you a fun walk and pleasant shopping!

Kamen Chochev
Exotic Land EOOD is a company, specialized entirely in construction, starting and maintaining marine systems - "reef" and "fish only" aquariums. We are relatively short, five years old, history of the Bulgarian aquarium market, but with a long history in marine aquaristics, from 2010 year. Initially, as a hobby, and subsequently a vocation, we are one of the pioneers, which were counted on the fingers of one hand and, which proved, that in Bulgaria too we can touch the exciting world of the ocean depths and, mostly, to the colorful beauty of distant coral reefs-such, as we have seen them from the underwater pictures.