A powerful combination of beneficial bacteria, 100 % natural, that work together, to keep the aquarium water clean, чисти аквариумни повърхности и да премахват неприятните миризми. Re-Fresh revitalizes green or brown aquarium water and keeps it crystal clear and transparent. Bacteria can be added at any time, when algae or cyanobacteria appear.
Initially ( in an aquarium with shrimps and snails )- 5 Jr / 100 l water (препаратът може да бъде токсичен за скариди и охлювеи)
Initially ( in an aquarium without shrimps and snails )- 7,5 Jr / 100 l water
For weekly maintenance (with a significant amount of algae and cyanobacteria): 15 ml/100 l of water
Do not use more than the indicated dose.
For better results - turn off the UV filter for 2 hours after dosing.
If there is cyanobacteria in the aquarium, it is recommended to use through 2-3 days for a period of 10-14 days.
After completing the course of treatment, Waste Away is added- Dr Tim`s
250 ml are sufficient to treat aquariums with volume 1700 l
500 ml are sufficient to treat aquariums with volume 3400 l